Several members have answered the De Young Museum's Call for Bay Area Artists with the theme of "On The Edge."
Over 6,000 entries have been received. Our members (and the others) will know by July 31 if their art work has been accepted for the exhibit.
When the Museum re-opens the first exhibit will be "Frida Kahlo" and "Bay Area Artists On the Edge."
![](images/de-young-call-entries/VACA_Stacked_Logo Transparent.png)
Italian Villa
Collage by
Kelley Julien
De Young Museum call for Bay Area artists
Entries by Arts & Crafts members
Theme: "On the Edge"
An Assemblage
Michael Sunzeri
Eileen's Harp
An Assemblage by
Michael Sunzeri
![](images/de-young-call-entries/Greenland for Sale with Glacier and House.jpg)
Greenland for Sale with Glacier and House
Rolled Acrylic by
Barbara Gottesman
![](images/de-young-call-entries/Khafre, Khufu, Menkaure 3.jpg)
Khafre, Khufu, Menkaure
Acrylic by
Barb Gottesman
Voices from the Past
Acrylic by
Sunni Gibbons
Acrylic by
Sunni Gibbons
Lily Pads sur Ciel Bleu
Pastel by
Terri Ford
Lily Pond
Pastel by
Terri Ford