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Advisory Board Minutes
Association Secretary Deborah Edwards
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The Arts and Crafts Association Advisory Board, like all clubs and organizations which meet monthly, has a secretary who takes the minutes of the meeting. At the next monthly meeting, the minutes are reviewed and approved or disapproved, and corrrections are made.
Once the minutes are approved, they are released for publication on the website.
Arts & Crafts Advisory Board Meeting Minutes
Monday, February 24, 2020
1. President: Monita Bowman – Call to order at 3pm.
2. Secretary: Deborah Edwards – Corrections/additions January 27, 2020 minutes? Approval motion made by Mary; seconded by Michael. Approval vote – Ayes 4 Nays 0. Motion passed.
3. Treasurer: Ruth Branch – For the months of January & February, 2020, and YTD, total income was $2,440.00 and total expenses were $941.69. The beginning fund balance on 01/01/2020 was $9,320.22_. Ending fund balance on 2/20/2020 was $10,818.53 and ending bank balance was $10,918.48. Approval motion made by Barbara; seconded by Mary. Approval vote – Ayes 4 Nays 0. Motion passed.
4. Vice President, Membership: Michael Sunzeri – Membership update
Three new members in February: Gloria Souza, Rose O'Connell and Peg Romanow
The grand total of members is currently 252.
Old Business
5.1. We need to find people to train for open positions. Training people for the future, and help when needed, is the goal. The idea to have a Recognition Luncheon, approved in November, 2019, has been implemented. The luncheon is on Thursday, February 6, 2020. Update - The luncheon was cancelled due to lack of participation. The approval for purchase of table centerpieces in the amount of $50.00 is void, unless or until a new date is scheduled.
Two people volunteered during the General Meeting on February 3, 2020.
5.2. Use of the Art Room and Ceramics Rooms outside scheduled use times is not permitted, per Mary Tatum. This is due to insurance restrictions. Monitors and other key holders are not allowed to use the rooms for personal projects unrelated to the club unless it is during Open Studio hours that have been approved in advance by Ruth DePonzi or Mary Tatum. Update – a Master Calendar request was submitted and approved for the Ceramics Room, to allow Saturday and Sunday activities.
5.3. Barbara Gottesman would like to discuss the possibility of reinstating a monetary award for Best in Show at our Juried Art Show. This may encourage participation. Discussion was postponed until the February meeting.
The board will follow up with further discussion at the next Board Meeting March 30, 2020.
6. New Business
6.1. General Meeting attendance needs improvement.
6.2. The EVF clothing sale will be in the Auditorium and Conference Room on July 4th, from 10:30 to 3:30. The activities office wants to know if we would provide children's activities in the Art Room during this time. Shuttles will be running between the July 4th festivities by the restaurant and the Cribari Center, so there should be a lot of activity. Ruth DePonzi needs an answer by March 1, 2020.
Monita will send a permissions request for 1-sandwich board.
6.3. Ruth Keiser would like to know if we would sponsor a gift basket for an upcoming VMA raffle. She said she would request donations from members and hoped we would pitch in a bit of money to fill it up with art related supplies. She will provide the basket. It would be labeled as from our club.
Additional information was requested. The board will discuss this again with new details at the next board meeting March 30, 2020.
7. Committee Reports
7.1. Art Films: Pamela Oliver-Lyons – Tuesdays, 7:00 pm in the Vineyard Center
March 10th – Dale Chihuly
April 14th - Dorothea Lange
May 12th – James McNeill Whistler
June 9th – Alexander Calder – Calder's Universe
September 8th – Maya Lin: Vietnam Veterans Memorial
October 13th – Audubon
November 10th – Andrew Wyeth
There are no art films in February, July, August, or December.
7.2. Ceramics: Diane Finley: No new updates.
7.2.1. Improvements to Ceramics Room Plan – Diane is continuing to work with Administration and Maintenance to improve conditions in the ceramics room. Here are the upgrades requested and approved:
Broken floor tiles – done
Sink trap – installed July 1, 2019
Insulate Woodshop Exhaust Room –
New LED Lights –
More shelving – Installed
New cabinets and countertops –
New kiln – Installed
New wedging table -
7.3. Class Coordinator: Barbara Gottesman:
7.4. Classes and Workshops:
*Register with Barbara
7.4.1. March 2 - March 23: Intermediate Drawing with Ciel Duke. 4 Mondays, 10 am - 12:30 pm. $75.00 for members. All materials furnished. Register at Checks due by February 24.
7.4.2. April 18 and 19: "Deeper, Darker, Richer Pastels Workshop" with Terri Ford. Saturday and Sunday, 10 am - 4 pm in Cribari Center Art Room. $200.00 for members. Register at Checks due by April 11.
7.5. Third Tuesday Art Night:
Run by a committee consisting of Jane Hink, Barbara Gottesman, and Monita Bowman. These are held in the Art Room, from 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm. BYOB is in place for all events. The current schedule is:
Tuesday, March 17th, 6:30 pm – No event March 2020; Monita will broadcast this udate.
Tuesday, April 21st, 6:30 pm –
Tuesday, May 19th, 6:30 pm –
Tuesday, June 16th, 6:30 pm – Michael Sunzeri – Wood assemblage
Tuesday, October 20th, 6:30 –
Tuesday, November 17th, 6:30 pm – Wrap Party (?)
7.6. New Resident Orientation: Need two people to attend each session (held in Fairway Room at the main Clubhouse). Arrive at 3:00 pm to set up; meeting starts at 3:30 pm.
Wednesday, March 4th: Monita Bowman and Mary Goodnough
Wednesday, May 6th: Monita Bowman and Michael Sunzeri
Wednesday, July 15th: Monita Bowman and ___________________
Wednesday, September 2nd: Monita Bowman and ________________
Wednesday, November 4th: Monita Bowman and _________________
7.7. Exhibits Coordinator: Barbara Gottesman
7.7.1. January 17, 2020: Colleen Mirassou and Jane Hink – Dual Show
7.7.2. March 20, 2020: Iris Schlager – Solo Show
7.7.3. May 22, 2020: Kelley Julien – Solo Show
7.7.4. July 24, 2020: Barbara Gottesman – Solo Show
7.7.5. October 23, 2020: Juried Art Show
7.8. Programs: Monita Bowman
7.8.1. Programs in place for the monthly General Meetings are as follows:
Monday, March 2nd – Nancy Takaichi – Plein Air Painting
Monday, April 6th – Terri Ford - Pastels
Monday, May 4th –
Monday, June 1st – Moved to the Vineyard Center
Monday, October 5th –
Monday, November 2nd –
Ed Knott has agreed to provide projection services for all demonstrations.
7.8.2. Historian: Mary Goodnough
Mary completed the 2019 handbook and filed it in the Art Room.
7.8.3. Artist of the Month: Michael Sunzeri
Michael will purchase two $25 gift cards for the February and March Artist of the Month.
7.9. Events:
7.9.1. Saturday, April 25th – Art in the Park – Coordinator: Need contracts by April 6
7.9.2. Saturday, June 6th – Sidewalk Art Sale – Coordinator: ___________________
7.9.3. Saturday, July 4th – Art & Ceramic Sale – Coordinator: __________________
7.9.4. Saturday, August 22nd – Home Studio Art Tour – Coordinator: ____________
7.9.5. Monday, September 14th – New Members Reception – Coordinator: _______
7.9.6. Saturday, November 7th – Holiday Faire – Coordinator: __________________
8.1. New Ideas:
8.1.1. Barbara suggested we do a 'Paint Off' on the grassy area behind the Cribari Center. As seen at other events where an artist will work on a painting or a drawing and potential buyers may put a bid on the piece before its completion.
8.2. Issues/Problems to Discuss:
8.3. Next General Meeting: Monday, March 2, 2020, 1:45 pm, Cribari Conference Room
8.4. Next Board Meeting: Monday, March 30, 2020, 3:00 pm, Art Room
8.5. Meeting Adjourned: 3:55pm
8.6. Board Members Present: Deborah Edwards, Monita Bowman, Mary Goodnough,
Barbara Gottesman, Michael Sunzeri and Ruth Branch
8.7. Board Members Absent: Diane Finley
Arts & Crafts Advisory Board Meeting Minutes
(email edition) Monday, March 30, 2020
All Ayes and Nays please post via email with X
1. President: Michael Sunzeri – Call to order at __N/A_____ pm.
2. Secretary: Deborah Edwards – Corrections/additions Feb. 24, 2020 minutes? Approval motion made by __Barbara Gottesman; seconded by _Michael. Approval vote – Ayes __5__ Nays __0_. Motion passed/failed.
3. Treasurer: Ruth Branch – For the month of Mar., 2020, total income was $__90____and expenses were $_1,222.06_. The beginning fund balance on 01/01/20 was $_9320.22_______. Total income YTD was $_2,530___and total expenses YTD were $_2,163.75_____. Ending fund balance on _3/20/20_ was $_9,686.47_______ and ending checkbook balance was $_10,024.74________. Approval motion made by _Michael__; seconded by __Diane Finley__. Approval vote – Ayes_5____Nays __0__
4. Vice President, Membership: now Diane Finley– Membership update
Sheila Ryckewaert returning as member in March. Membership is now 255
Old Business
5.1. We need to find people to train for open positions. Training people for the future, and help when needed, is the goal. This is still a need. We will revisit it when feasible.
5.2. Use of the Art Room and Ceramics Rooms outside scheduled use times is not permitted, per Mary Tatum. Now all closed due to COV-19.
5.3. Barbara Gottesman would like to discuss the possibility of reinstating a monetary award for Best in Show at our Juried Art Show. This may encourage participation. Discussion was postponed until the February meeting. Will discuss again at the next feasible board meeting.
6. New Business
6.1. General Meeting attendance. Our last input voted to stagger Demos with informational meetings.
To further be discussed.
6.2. Canceled for now. The EVF clothing sale will be in the Auditorium and Conference Room on July 4th, from 10:30 to 3:30. The activities office wants to know if we would provide children's activities in the Art Room during this time. Shuttles will be running between the July 4th festivities by the restaurant and the Cribari Center, so there should be a lot of activity. Ruth DePonzi needs an answer by March 1, 2020.
6.3. We were to discuss this further at our March meeting. Probably canceled anyway. Ruth Keiser would like to know if we would sponsor a gift basket for an upcoming VMA raffle. Not a VMA event as I understand. She said she would request donations from members and hoped we would pitch in a bit of money to fill it up with art related supplies. She will provide the basket. It would be labeled as from our club.
7. Committee Reports All films canceled until further notice.
7.1. Art Films: Pamela Oliver-Lyons – Tuesdays, 7:00 pm in the Vineyard Center
March 10th – Dale Chihuly
April 14th - Dorothea Lange
May 12th – James McNeill Whistler
June 9th – Alexander Calder – Calder's Universe
September 8th – Maya Lin: Vietnam Veterans Memorial
October 13th – Audubon
November 10th – Andrew Wyeth
There are no art films in February, July, August, or December.
7.2. Ceramics: Diane Finley: N/A
7.2.1. Improvements to Ceramics Room Plan – Diane is continuing to work with Administration and Maintenance to improve conditions in the ceramics room. Here are the upgrades requested and approved:
Broken floor tiles – done
Sink trap – installed July 1, 2019
Insulate Woodshop Exhaust Room –
New LED Lights –
More shelving – Installed
New cabinets and countertops –
New kiln – Installed
New wedging table -
7.3. Class Coordinator: Barbara Gottesman: N/A
7.4. Classes and Workshops: All below canceled until further notice
7.4.2. April 18 and 19: "Deeper, Darker, Richer Pastels Workshop" with Terri Ford. Cancelled No new date set. Saturday and Sunday, 10 am - 4 pm in Cribari Center Art Room. $200.00 for members. Register at barb.gottesman@gmail.com. Checks due by April 11.
7.5. Third Tuesday Art Night: canceled until further notice
Tuesday, April 21st, 6:30 pm –
Tuesday, June 16th, 6:30 pm – Michael Sunzeri – Wood assemblage
Tuesday, November 17th, 6:30 pm – Wrap Party (?)
Our board decided to withdraw from this event and not participate.
Wednesday, March 4th: Monita Bowman and Mary Goodnough
Wednesday, May 6th: Monita Bowman and Michael Sunzeri
Wednesday, July 15th: Monita Bowman and ___________________
Wednesday, September 2nd: Monita Bowman and ________________
Wednesday, November 4th: Monita Bowman and _________________
7.7. Exhibits Coordinator: Barbara Gottesman All Shows canceled until further notice.
7.7.1. January 17, 2020: Colleen Mirassou and Jane Hink – Dual Show extended until
We can access Conf. Room and set new installation date.
7.7.2. March 20, 2020: Iris Schlager – Solo Show Will set new installation date.
7.7.3. May 22, 2020: Kelley Julien – Solo Show Will set new installation date
7.7.4. July 24, 2020: Barbara Gottesman – Solo Show Will set new installation date
7.7.5. October 23, 2020: Juried Art Show
7.8.1. Programs in place for the monthly General Meetings are as follows:
Monday, April 6th – Terri Ford - Pastels
Monday, June 1st – Moved to the Vineyard Center
Ed Knott has agreed to provide projection services for all demonstrations.
7.8.2. Historian: Mary Goodnough Probably nothing for now
7.8.3. Artist of the Month: Michael Sunzeri Ed Knott was our last winner with his
Multipurpose architectural lamp.
7.9. Events: canceled and postponed
7.9.1. Saturday, April 25th – Art in the Park –Coordinator: Diane Finley board postponed
7.9.2. Saturday, June 6th – Sidewalk Art Sale – Coordinator: board canceled
7.9.3. Saturday, July 4th – Art & Ceramic Sale – Coordinator: ___?_______________
7.9.4. Saturday, August 22nd – Home Studio Art Tour – Coordinator: ____?________
7.9.5. Monday, September 14th – New Members Reception – Coordinator: __?_____
7.9.6. Saturday, November 7th – Holiday Faire – Coordinator: __?________________
8.1.2. Possibly start an on line video of sessions that show artisans working methods and
8.2. Issues/Problems to Discuss: Fill in the blanks here if you have something to add.
8.3. Next General Meeting: Monday, April 6, 2020, 1:45 pm, Cribari Conference Room
8.4. Next Board Meeting: Monday, April 27, 2020, 3:00 pm, Art Room Probable email meeting
8.5. Meeting Adjourned: __N/A_____ pm
8.7. Board Members Absent: Your non response means not present Deborah out ill
Arts & Crafts Advisory Board Meeting Minutes
Monday, April 27, 2020
Zoom Video Call
1. President: Michael Sunzeri – Call to order at 3:01 pm.
2. Secretary: Deborah Edwards – Corrections/additions Mar. 30, 2020 minutes Approval motion made by Barbara Gottesman; seconded by Diane Finley. Approval vote – Ayes 4 Nays 0 . Motion passed.
3. Treasurer: Ruth Branch – For the month of April 2020, total income was $0.00, and expenses were $0.00. The beginning fund balance on 01/01/20 was $9320.22. Total income YTD was $2530.00 and total expenses YTD were $2163.75. Ending fund balance on 04/20/20 was $9686.47 and ending checkbook balance was $9686.47. Approval motion made by Deborah; seconded by Barbara. Approval vote – Ayes 4 Nays 0.
4. Vice President, Membership: Diane Finley –Membership is still 255
Old Business
5.1. We need to find people to train for open positions. Training people for the future, and help when needed, is the goal. See attached position descriptions to help us find members to fill those needed positions. Diane will create and will approval from the board, send out an email invitation to join a 'Zoom' video conference for a brain storming session to discuss how to recruit members to fill positions. Meeting scheduled for Monday May 4th at 3:00pm
5.2. Use of the Art Room and Ceramics Rooms outside scheduled use times is not permitted, per Mary Tatum. Still closed due to COV-19.
5.3. Barbara Gottesman would like to discuss the possibility of reinstating a monetary award for Best in Show at our Juried Art Show. This may encourage participation. Approval for a $250 cash award will be as follows: 1st - $100 2nd - $75 3rd - $50 4th - $25 Michael will look into purchasing new ribbons.
6. New Business
6.1. General Meeting attendance. Our last input voted to stagger Demos with informational meetings. To further be discussed. Pending
6.2. Cancelled for now. The EVF clothing sale will be in the Auditorium and Conference Room on July 4th, from 10:30 to 3:30. The activities office wants to know if we would provide children's activities in the Art Room during this time. Shuttles will be running between the July 4th festivities by the restaurant and the Cribari Center, so there should be a lot of activity. Ruth DePonzi needs an answer by March 1, 2020.
6.3. All classes, events and rooms are closed and canceled thru May 2020.
7. Committee Reports
7.1. Art Films: All films canceled until further notice.
Pamela Oliver-Lyons – Tuesdays, 7:00 pm in the Vineyard Center
June 9th – Alexander Calder – Calder's Universe
September 8th – Maya Lin: Vietnam Veterans Memorial
October 13th – Audubon
November 10th – Andrew Wyeth
There are no art films in February, July, August, or December.
7.2. Ceramics: Diane Finley - Closed
7.2.1. Improvements to Ceramics Room Plan – Diane is continuing to work with Administration and Maintenance to improve conditions in the ceramics room.
7.3. Class Coordinator: Barbara Gottesman
7.4. Classes and Workshops:
7.4. Classes and Workshops:
*Register with Barbara at barb.gottesman@gmail.com
7.5. Third Tuesday Art Night: Canceled until further notice
Tuesday, June 16th, 6:30 pm – Michael Sunzeri – Wood assemblage
Tuesday, October 20th, 6:30 – ?
Tuesday, November 17th, 6:30 pm – Wrap Party (?)
7.6. New Resident Orientation:
Our board decided to withdraw from this event and not participate.
7.7. Exhibits Coordinator: Barbara Gottesman - All Shows canceled until further notice.
Perhaps pick up in July if feasible using below artists slated in order.
7.7.2. March 20, 2020: Iris Schlager – Solo Show
7.7.3. May 22, 2020: Kelley Julien – Solo Show
7.7.4. July 24, 2020: Barbara Gottesman – Solo Show
7.7.5. October 23, 2020: Juried Art Show
7.8. Programs: We need a person to fill this slot exclusively. In the meantime all below demos/meetings are canceled.
7.8.1. Programs in place for the monthly General Meetings are as follows:
Perhaps we can re visit Artisans using the below schedule when we resume for the
Every other month.
Monday, February 3rd – Steven Borelli – Black & White Abstracts with Felt Pens
Monday, March 2nd – Nancy Takaichi – Plein Air Painting
Monday, April 6th – Terri Ford - Pastels
Monday, May 4th –
Monday, June 1st – Moved to the Vineyard Center
Monday, October 5th –
Monday, November 2nd –
Ed Knott has agreed to provide projection services for all demonstrations.
7.8.2. Historian: Mary Goodnough – Mary has resigned from her position. Michael will meet with Deborah to sign a 'Certificate of Appreciation' and deliver to Mary.
7.8.3. Artist of the Month: N/A
7.9. Events: Canceled and/or postponed
7.9.2. Saturday, June 6th – Sidewalk Art Sale – Coordinator: Board Canceled
7.9.3. Saturday, July 4th – Art & Ceramic Sale – Coordinator: ________________
7.9.4. Saturday, August 22nd – Home Studio Art Tour – Coordinator: __________
7.9.5. Monday, September 14th – New Members Reception – Coordinator: ______
7.9.6. Saturday, November 7th – Holiday Faire – Coordinator: _________________
8.1. New Ideas:
8.1.1. On Line submissions for Artist Challenge is a success. With Barbara coordinating
We have had excellent participation. First submissions were “Landscape” with 23 entrants and second is “Water” with 18 entrants so far. See our website for submissions. All Villagers were welcomed to participate including the Crafters Club and the Photography Club.
8.1.2. Jeff Bramschreiber's on line acrylics class started on April 21st and is successful.
There are still some efforts ahead to show on line videos showing artists techniques that can be
Downloaded from a couple artists.
8.2. Issues/Problems to Discuss: Fill in the blanks here if you have something to add.
8.3. Next General Meeting: Canceled
8.4. Next Board Meeting: Monday, May 25th, 2020, 3:00 pm, Art Room Probably another Zoom Video Conference
8.5. Meeting Adjourned: 3:34 pm
8.6. Board Members Present: Michael, Barbara, Deborah, Diane
8.7 Absent: Ruth