At the Monthly General Membership Meeting and free Artist Demonstration on Monday,
April 1, at 1:45 pm, President Mandy Book will preside over a short business meeting. Programs Chair Michael Sunzeri will present Guest Artist Cheryl Peterson who will show us her work with Mosaics.

No fooling around. On April 1st at 1:45 Arts and Crafts will host a presentation in Mosaic Art by
Cheryl Peterson in the Cribari Conference room. After a short business meeting by President Mandy Book, Programs Chair Michael Sunzeri will introduce Cheryly Petterson.
She has been a fixture at many of our events over the years both for Arts and Crafts and the Crafters Club. Join us and she will present many of her pieces for your perusal and an in-depth recitation about her methods and journey.
Cheryl is a 5-year resident with about 8 years into her mosaic artistry. She has made everything from steppingstones to mirrors. Acting on her own interest and classes from Nancy Howell in the Santa Cruz area, Cheryl has mastered her design, color usage, materials, and themes she uses to get to her finished art.
Some materials she uses stem from thrift shop purchases, which she breaks down and then incorporates into her desired design. How does she arrive at her ideas? She has liked the art form for years and notes that she is a freestyle artist. So, pieces you have seen of hers before may now have morphed into an entirely other look.
If you have seen Cheryl's work, or even own, you will note that tile, glass, crockery, ceramic, and porcelain are incorporated into her art. Flat trays and hanging pieces can fit into any of your wants if
you chose to display one of her fine grouted finished pieces.
Mosaic art dates to the 3rd Millennium and it has survived to modern day. Find out how this art form has kept pace with today's art form. Please join us and invite your friends and Cheryl will give you an informative presentation of her particular interest and insight into how she pursues this art. Bring your queries and enjoy a large screen live visual by Ed Knott.