Fun with Florals in Pat's Carved Stamps Class
Fun with Florals uses acrylics, simple hand carved stamps and your imagination to create a bright quirky floral bouquet on wood. We will prepare a background, carve flowers and leaves, stamp on your wood canvas, and finish with acrylics. Pat will demonstrate how to transfer your drawing and carve 3 different size flowers or leaves. There will also be a variety of stamps to share to compose your flower arrangement. Flower reference will be provided or bring your own photos.
Wood canvas and speedy carve material will be provided. A variety of acrylic paints, carving tools, brayers and brushes will be provided to share.
3 classes Fridays, July 26, Aug 2, Aug 9. Time: 1:00-3:30 at the Cribari Center Art Room. The fee is $50. Register at barb.gottesman@gmail.com
Starts July 26.