May 1 General Membership Meeting
of Arts & Crafts Association
Monday, May 1, 2023
in Cribari Conferece Room at 1:45 pm
*Announcements and business by President Jan Alleman
*Guest Artist discussion of Oil and Acrylic Painting by Sunni Gibbons
**Note: The next monthly meeting will be on June 6 with Midge Robinson displaying her historic dolls from her family history.
*Contracts for Home Studio Art Tour available at June 5 meeting
Home Studio Art Tour is August 19 and New Members Reception is September 11.

May 1 is date not to miss. Arts and Crafts monthly membershiip meeting will take place in Cribari Conference room at 1:45 pm. Sunni Gibbons, shown here with, The Beet Vendor, will make a presentation, captivating you with her outstanding work in many genres. She's been a dedicated painter since completing graduate school in the mid '70s. Following a career as a graphic designer, she focused on developing her personal style mostly through large watercolor floral paintings. She soon expanded her artistic “vocabulary” and revisited her love of oil painting and charcoal drawing. Working from her studio in Santa Maria, CA, she developed the agricultural field worker series and the ambitious mural, Celebrating Aviation's Heroines (installed at the Santa Maria Museum of Flight) depicting the history of women's role in aviation.
She focused on more personal, intimate work since moving to the Villages in 2014, finding a creative home with the Villages Arts and Crafts Association. She explored other mediums such as collage and acrylic painting. Collage opened exploration into more creative impulses. Working in acrylic also afforded latitude in working quickly and exploring a variety of subject matter from landscape to abstract figurative.
Sunni has participated in many successful group and solo exhibits, the most exciting being her 2020 inclusion in the De Young Open. Over 11,000 entries were submitted during Covid. Her acrylic painting, ”Warrior” accepted into that show, was the start of a new and fun exploration into abstract figurative painting. That painting has an honored place on her dining room wall.
Sunni's formal training through undergraduate, graduate and extended post-graduate work at Hancock Junior College included drawing, painting, printmaking, sculpture, and art history. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Washington and a Master of Arts from San Jose State University. For more of her work, go to www.sunnigibbons.com