Poetry in Art Group with Leaders Colleen Mirassou and Barb Gottesman
People in this group are reading aloud their favorite classic poems and then creating art works inspired by the poems. We also create our own poems and paint art works inspired by them. Now we are learning to write haiku and creating collages, acrylics, pastels, drawings, and watercolors inspired by our own haiku. We presented our work to the membership on November 7 to a very appreciative audience. Three new people joined our group!
Tuesdays, begins at 10:30 am

A Fragile Tree I am Not
Dorothy Douquet
by Kathleen Budros

It was Colleen's wonderful idea
for this group....from her work as
art therapist in Los Angeles!
Thanks, Colleen!

Peace - let it begin with me.
Red Flower by Karin Bogliolo

Swedish Love
Karin gazes at Carl from the bath;
His paintbrush dances.
Kathleen Budros June 2023
Carl Larsson
Why do we love any artist's work so much?
Carl Larsson, for me, has that very special touch.
All of his work moves me and speaks to my heart,
I am the biggest poetic fan of Carl Larsson's art.
Watercolors in bright, deep hues,
Of family fun and country views.
The beauty of nature is his delight
Home décor of flowers and natural light.
I love this artist because he paints with love
The love of his home, his wife and also of
His many children, friends and animals too.
Carl Larsson, Swedish artist, I love you!
Kathleen Budros June 2023
It happend on February 1933
I was planted on Earth
At birth
Like a fragile tree.
Though swept over the years
By currents of seasonal storms
There was enough tenderness
In the air
For me not to despair.
My roots were preserved
To make me stand firm
Through given time
To embrace my destiny.
A fragile tree I am not
I was planted on Earth
To be strong from birth.
Shirley Kuramoto

Morning Thinking
Sometimes there is something that isn't
This collage is something
A landscape it isn't
A house it isn't
A person it isn't
Animals don't look like this
Nor does the ocean.
But it is something.
Something colorful, forceful and settling
Soft colors
With lines and shapes in harmony.
Mysteriously floating
Suggesting a story of your own.
Yes, this is something that is or isn't.
By Colleen Mirassou
May 31, 2022
Colleen Mirassou
Barbara Gottesman

My Domain
I gaze o'et my land
Encompassing all I rule,
Loving all I see.
by Dorothy Douquet
April 10, 2022

Losing Butterflies
In the long ago days
I chased butterflies all summer long
As they fluttered by in
Great profusion.
Today they are so rare that
They startle me in their loneliness.
Amazing metamorphosis from
Squiggly caterpillar to angel of delight.
A stained glass window
Taking flight.
Barbara Gottesman
September 6, 2022

Sleep, sleep where are you?
I need to escape my lonely hours.
I want t feel alive.
But sleep deserts me and leaves me wishing
And wanting more.
I want to grow older with you
Think of this....We are talking of happy
Days and wish we had been less sensible and
Laughed more.
*It is true, time flies with someone you
Love, but it slows down when you are alone.
Linda Hackel
July 17, 2023
Watercolor on Yupo
by Linda Hackel