Acrylic and Oil Painting
with Jane Hink
Mondays, September 19 - October 24, 2022
10 am - 12:30 pm in person in the Art Room.
$90. 6 weeks class.
Register at barb.gottesman@gmail.com
Minimum: 6. Maximum: 10.
Materials list will be sent to all who register. Checks, made out to Jane, and Proof of Vaccine are due to Barb by September 12.
Jane Hink has been painting since 5th grade when she was taught oils by a SJSU art professor. She studied with Richard Diebenkorn at the College of Arts & Crafts in Oakland. Jane has taught 9 classes for Villagers, sponsored by The Villages Arts & Crafts Association.
Her specialty is California landscapes and seascapes. She demonstrates in layers. She discusses colors and blending and then shows how to paint the background. Students go to their own stations and paint the background while Jane circulates and helps individuals. Then Jane shows how to add features such as trees. Students add the tree to their paintings while Jane gives individual critique. This process continues until all elements are added to make a complete painting.
Register for this structured class so that you too can paint in oils or acrylics! Register at barb.gottesman@gmail.com Make your check out to Jane for $90. Proof of Covid vaccine is required.
Deadline is September 12.

Individual tubes of these colors:
Alizarine Crimson
Cadmium red
Cadmium yellow deep
Lemon Yelllow Nice to have also:
Yellow ochre Dioxazine purple
Cerulean blue Hooker's green
Ultramarine blue Payne's grey
Burnt sienna
Burnt umber
at Michael's, or on line from Cheap Joe's or Amazon
Synthetic brushes for acrylic/oils:
Filbert #8
Flat # 8
Round # 6
at Michael's, or on line from Cheap Joe's or Amazon
9 x 12 OR 11 x14 canvas panel or wrapped canvas
at Michael's, or on line from Cheap Joe's or Amazon
Clean white rag
Small plate or palette for colors
Roll of paper towels
Small Spray bottle with water
*Turpenoid if you want to paint with oils
*clean, empty tuna can to hold turpenoid.