Our Club has an Advisory Board with Team members:
Contact President Michael Sunzeri or any of the officeers or Advisory Board members when you are ready to volunteer to serve on a Team or as a Team Leader or help prepare for an event to help keep Art alive in The Villages.
Standing Teams:
Ceramics: Diane Finley
Classes and Workshops: Barb Gottesman
Exhibits: Barb Gottesman
Historian: Karin Bogliolo
Programs: Marcy Boyles
Welcomer: Colleen Mirassou
Stitchery: Roberta Barentsen
Webmaster: Barb Gottesman
"What's Happening" column in The Villager: Michael Sunzeri
Teams for recurring monthly events (but not every month)
Art Films 8 per year:
Artist of the Month: 8 per year
Exhibits 5 per year: Barb Gottesman Next in line for Solo Exhibits: Iris Schlager, Kelley Julien, Barb Gottesman
Programs: 8 per year Marcy Boyles
Coordinator for our Events:
makes sure contracts and communciations
are uniform for all events
Teams for our Events:
Art in the Park in April
July 4th Open House in July
Home Studios Art Tour in August
New Members Reception in September
Annual Members Juried Show in October
Holiday Faire in November
All jobs in Arts & Crafts have detailed job descriptions and binders
with examples and samples from past officers, Committee Chairs,
and Event Chairs. The binders and boxes of materials are stored
in the Art Room.
President Michael Sunzeri
Vice President Barb Gottesman
Secretary Judy Rickard
Treasurer Kathy Warren

Spring Lilies
by Lucy Pousho

Smal Spring Joy
Art Photograph
Donna Ostheimer

Fly Away
Kathy Tanka