Whether you are left or right hemisphere dominant,
we need your help in Brainstorming new ideas
for Arts & Crafts!
Monday, October 25,
7 pm, Art Room,
A Right Hemisphere dominant flyer designer

The Arts & Crafts Board invites all members to join us at 7 pm on October 25th in the Art Room.
We would like to discuss ideas members have about how the club can move forward in 2022.
We strongly encourage our members to join us and air your ideas. We do need our every member to help us carry on with all we do that takes place year round. Our Arts & Crafts Club relies on all its members to make these well-attended events and activities continue. All of our Villagers deserve to see the work our talented artists produce with each and every class, event, tour, demonstration, and sale.
With the required election of 4 officers on November 1, we will continue to be a Villages Board-recognized club and have the right to reserve rooms for our meetings, classes and events.
Help keep us robust and well rounded. Mark your calendars for
Monday, October 25th at 7 pm in the Art Room.
The Arts & Crafts Advisory Board