At the Monthly General Membership Meeting and free Artist Demonstration: Monday, February 5, Master basket maker Margot Paoli explained her craft and noted that members who wished to take a basket weaving or gourd painting class or wool from her sheep should leave a message for her friend Jennifer Wool at jlwgourds@gmail.co
Margot Paoli at 91 proved that she has still got it! She talked for 45 minutes about her basket weaving, both learning and mastery. There were 35 members present for her talk. Many were fascinated with her skill, especially with the small basket made with pine needles and the woven belts around rocks. She shared her wool felting to make small sheep with black legs and real wool.
Mandy Book's debut as offiicating new president went very smoothly. . First she introduced new members and asked them to stand. Then she introuduced a very participatory agenda, letting everyone discuss his or her own projects. Barbara announced 4 upcoming classes and the Februaury 13 Art Film, Michael noted the current exhibit of watercolors by Linda Hackel and Jane Smith and an upcoming "Painting Rocks" program, and Diane solicited artists and workers for Art in the Park. Mandy ended by calling for volunteeers for new projects like the Sidewalk Art Sale.
Program Chair Michael Sunzeri introduced the Guest Artist: Margot Paoli

photo by Claudia Welch