Neither a 3.6 earthquake nor cold rain could deter members from the Arts & Crafts Holiday Social on Monday evening! Dorothy Douquet managed the affair and brought most of the snacks and wine. Stephanie contributed cheese and Seven Layer cookies which should be declared a controlled substance because they gave us all a sugar high! Midge, Colleen and Steph helped set up the refreshments. Ruth brought all her grandsons' gift to wrap so Midge helped her. Midge's Sea Otter painting in colored pencil brought many admiring comments as did Dorothy's acrylics and Barb's ceramic bust. Mandy brought home-made soaps for each member. Phyllis came with many, many excess art supplies to barter. Mary Lou applauded the Poetry in Art program and said it inspired her to go home and write a poem. Jane, Kathy and Alice wrapped and chatted as did Arlyn who wants Free Tuesdays Art Projects resumed. Prema made sure everyone had wrapping paper. Rose Marie found unique ribbons to decorate her packages. Ed's lighted Christmas tree in a bottle sparked speculation on how he got that in a wine bottle. He finally revealed that he cut off the bottom! A good time was had by all!