Intermediate Watercolor with Ciel Duke
Mondays, 10 am - 12:30 pm
May 20 - June 10, 2019
All materials furnished.
$70 for members, $75 for non-members
Checks due by May 13.
($10 non-resident's fee for non-resident guests)
Register at barb.gottesman@gmail.com
Register early because Ciel's popular classes fill rapidly!

New Intermediate Watercolor Class
It’s time to ' brush up' on your Watercolor skills before the summer months arrive- full of opportunities to create lasting memories. Sketches, drawings and paintings are a wonderful way to remember travel destinations, and watercolor is an outstanding way to personalize those moments. This 4-week class will present several new transparent watercolor tricks and techniques along with introducing a couple of unusual watercolor styles, namely Watercolor Pencils, Travel Sketching, and Batik Watercolor.
All these projects will help you reconnect with the fresh and spontaneous properties of watercolor.
Students who have previously taken Ciel's Intermediate Watercolor class are encouraged to join this class to hone their skills and take them to the next level. Ciel’s popular classes fill up quickly, so register now to ensure a space!
May 20-June 10 Mondays 10:00am-12:30pm May 20-June 10. All materials furnished. Members $70, non-members $75.
Registration contact: Barbara Gottesman at barb.gottesman@gmail.com
Hart's Department Store in San Jose
Ciel Duke