Executive Committee
President Michael Sunzeri
Vice President Diane Finley
Association Secretary Deborah Edwards
Treasurer Ruth Branch
Elections for new officers are traditionally held on
the first November meeting for new officers to
start serving on January 1. Officers serve for two
years, and may serve longer if desired.
Committee chairs are appointed by the President
from among those who volunteer.
If you would like to be an officer or a committee chair
for 2021,
please contact President Michael Sunzeri
at twosunzeris@comcast.net or 408-622-6860
or any of the Advisory Board members.
Board Members & Committee Chairs for the Arts & Crafts Association
President: Michael Sunzeri
Vice President: Diane Finley
Treasurer: Ruth Branch
Secretary: Deborah Edwards
Art Films: Pamela Oliver-Lyons
Artist of the Month: Michael Sunzeri
Ceramics: Diane Finley
Class Coordinator: Barb Gottesman
Exhibits Coordinator: Barb Gottesman
Historian: open
Programs: open
Stitchery: Roberta Barentsen
Webmaster: Barb Gottesman
"What’s Happening" column: Michael Sunzeri
If you would like to join the Advisory Board as a co-chair or chair for one of these positions or as a volunteer for events, please call President Michael Sunzeri at
408-622-6860 or e mail him at two sunzeris@comcast.net
Join the Governance Board to help set policy and practice for our art club. Or volunteer to be an Event Chair or a member of any Event committee. Our events are: April Art in the Park, August Home Studio Art Tour, September New Members Reception, October Juried Art Show and November Holiday Faire. We welcome your participation and your input.
![](images/officers-/VACA_Stacked_Logo Transparent-4.png)
We have a list which describes the duties of each officer and committe chair. Each committee needs about 6 to 8 people who take small jobs in order for the Event to be successful.
Each arts and crafts member is encouraged to volunteer for at least one hour per year to help keep our art club alive! Read the descriptions and volunteer by calling the current chair. OR you can volunteer to co-chair an event, with an eye to taking over next year.
Spring Color Pop
by Donna Ostheimer
![](images/officers-/Spring Color Pop.jpg)