To All Members:
When you attend a meeting or gathering in Cribari Conference Room, make a point of viewing the paintings from the Arts & Crafts Annual Members Juried Show. If you can, draw attention to the exhibit for the enjoyment of others at your meeting or gathering. Thank you for helping promote Art in The Villages.
These artists will pick up their paintings on Friday, Janaury 17, as early as 10:30 am to make room for the Duet Exhibit of Colleen Mirassou and Jane Hink.
These artists have entered their work in the 2019 Annual Members Juried Art Show:
Birds and Bees, Acrylic by Karin Bogliolo, Not for Sale.
Paard, Pencil Drawing by Olga de la Serna, Not for Sale.
Moss Landing, Watercolor by Ciel Duke, $260.
Moondance 1, Pastel by Terri Ford, $1,700.
Butterflies are Free, Splash Ink and Collage by Barb Gottesman, $175.
Solus, Oil by Jane Hink, Not for Sale.
Italian Villa, Collage and Watercolor by Kelley Julien, $330.
Red Flower, Acrylic by Bonnie Mandell, $300.
Study in Blue, Mixed Media by Colleen Mirassou, Not for Sale.
Enchanted Letter, Calligraphy by Francesa Pulis, $75.
La Spezia, Oil by Iris Schlager, Not for Sale.
Fishing Camp, Oil by Linda Sims, Not for Sale.
June Blooms, Acrylic by Alice Sullivan, $350.
Eileen's Harp, 3 D Asstemblage by Michael Sunzeri, $120.
(on display in the Art Room)
Our Juror, Karen La Roche, will also offer another Life Drawing Class to Villagers in February, on Friday afternoons, beginning February 21. Here she is with Jane Hink, discussing one of Jane's drawings.
Pencil Drawing by Olga de la Serna

Moondance 1
Pastel by Terri Ford

Birds and Bees
Acrylic by Karin Bogliolo

Red Flower
Acrylic by Bonnie Mandell
Oil by Jane Hink
Fishing Camp
Oil by Linda Raye Sims
Butterflies are Free
Splash Ink and Collage by Barbara Gottesman

La Spezia
Oil by Iris Schlager
Enchanted Letter
Calligraphy by Francesca Pulis
Italian Villa
Collage and Watercolor by Kelley Julien
June Blooms
Acrylic by Alice Sullivan

Moss Landing
Watercolor by Ciel Duke

Study in Blue
Mixed Media by Colleen Mirassou
Eileen's Harp
3 D Assemblage by Michael Sunzeri