Arts & Crafts
Regular Monthly General Membership Meeting
and Artist Demonstration:
Monday, October 4, 2021
in Cribari Conference Room, 1:45 pm - 3:00 pm
Michael Sunzeri, President
Marcy Boyles, Program Chair
Holiday Faire contracts and table selection available after the demonstration.

Artist's Demonstration of How to Make Greeting Cards
Julie has enjoyed making personal notecards for over 40 years. It started when she took a calligraphy class and wanted opportunities to practice her new skill. She realized she could add stickers and original art to her calligraphy quotes.
Through the years she’s designed cards for teachers, birthdays, anniversaries, and travel. She designed Marcy and Rob Boyles wedding invitation several years ago!. Her note making classes are popular at the Forum where she lives and she often does custom cards for friends and family.
Julie has worked as a reading specialist and coach for new teachers in Franklin McKinley and Alum Rock school districts for over 50 years.For the last 15 years she’s had the opportunity to teach classes to parents , teachers, and administrators in Hong Kong. Julie is an avid traveler and has visited over 130 countries and all the national parks. Ask her about her latest adventure , a seven road trip to New Orleans with a friend and two dogs. She loves planning her next trip!
Making your own notecards is fun and easy and people appreciate receiving something that you’ve created. We plan to ask Julie to offer a Saturday workshop in Card Making in October, if enough people are interested.
In her workshop, you’ll learn how to make several different kinds of clever cards. All the materials will be provided. We weill have a variety printed quotes, card stock, colored paper, pens and lots of stickers for you to use.There will be plenty of samples so you’ll get lots of ideas. Each participant will leave with four completed cards ready to send to friends and family.
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