with Francesca Pulis
Saturday, December 11
10 am - 1 pm
$35. All materials furnished.
Register at barb.gottesman@gmail.com
by December 4.
This instructor requires that participants show proof of covid vaccine.
Have Fun with this Basic Calligraphy Class!
Have you always wanted to learn calligraphy in order to write your own special invitations or to sign your holiday cards? Francesca Pulis, a Villager who knows how, will offer an introductory workshop in basic calligraphy on Saturday, December 11, in the Cribari Center Art Room. The times are 10 am until 1 pm and the fee to Francesca is $35. She will furnish all materials necessary, including paper, ink and pens.
She will teach a basic alphabet which contains only majuscules. This basic workshop will spark an interest, she hopes, in students learning more about this fascinating art form. At the end of the workshop, each person should be able to write his or her own name, a holiday greeting and a thank you note.
Register for this workshop with Arts & Crafts Class Scheduler Barbara Gottesman at barb.gottesman@gmail.com A $35 check made out to Francesca and placed in an envelope in the Arts & Crafts mail box by December 4 will reserve your place in this workshop. A maximum of 8 students will be accepted.

Samples of Francesca's advanced calligraphy.