Intermediate Watercolor
with Doug Canepa
5 Wednesdays, August 17 - September 14, 2022
10 am - 12:30 pm, in the Cribari Center Art Room
Student fee $60.
Register at barb.gottesman@gmail.com
Checks and Covid vaccine proof due to Barb via the Arts & Crafts mailbox by August 10..
Doug has a different approach to watercolor. He shows students how to paint separate components - tree, flowers, grass, hills, sky, stream - on small pieces of paper. After this practice, he demonstrates how to put the separate element together into a finished watercolor painting. This class is for people who have had some experience in watercolor.

Materials to bring:
1. Canson watercolor pad, 9 x 12 or similar
2. Artegria Watercolor paintbrush set. 4 round brushes: #2, #4, #6, #8. or similar
3. Sennelier Franch Arts Travel Watercolor set, 8 pans or similar
4. backing board, 11 x 14, on which to tape your watercolor paper
All can be purchased at Amazon, Blick or Michael's on Snell