On-Line Zoom Class with Jeff Bramschreiber
Six Weeks of Instruction and Critique
Tuesdays, 12 noon - 2:00 pm
July 6 - August 10, 2021
Register at barb.gottesman@gmail.com by June 29.
Week One July 6 - Songbirds – Pastel Pencil
Week Two July 13 - Butterflies- Colored Pencil
Week Three July 20 - Botanical Study - Watercolor Pencil
Week Four July 27 - Seascape – Oil Pastels
Week Five August 3 – Landscape - Felt Pen
Week Six August 10 - Self Portrait - Crayon Resist
Register at barb.gottesman@gmail.com Fee for the six weeks course is $60.
Checks due to Barb by June 29. Make out check to Jeff Bramschreiber and mail or drop off check to Barb's house at 5183 Cribari Knolls, San Jose, CA 95135 Limit: 8 students.
11x14 drawing pad (or larger)
11x14 Vellum Bristol pad (Optional)
11x14 watercolor pad 140lb cold press
12 or 24 count Colored Pencils
12 or 24 count set of watercolor pencils
12 or 24 count set of pastel pencils (Carbothello, Faber etc.)
12 count Tombow Dual Brush Pens
12 – 24 count Crayola Crayons
5mm Mechanical Pencil with HB Lead or Regular pencil HB
Small canister style pencil sharpener or small brass pencil sharpener
White Vinyl Eraser (any)